Guest post: The difference 20 years can make
Background by Amanda: Let me not overstate its reach, but I have this blog and Val has noticed that it has some readers. Hence, her request a few days ago to have a guest post. She has really gotten into it now, so she has penned a second guest post. Her writing is as clear as her position on matters of nature and cycles and climate change. Rarely a fun or light topic, but always an important one. Through Val’s eyes, over the years, I have come to see and appreciate the wonders of the natural world in which we live — the flowers I have always seen, but the birds, the trees, the tiny little lichens — for all those, I have gained both appreciation and delight thanks to Val’s gentle and persistent modelling of how to be one with nature. And how to observe, to take note, and to name what is happening. Even when it is distressing. **************************************** Guest post by Val Paape Amanda and I have owned a cottage in Hecla/Grindstone Provincial Park on the shores ...