From Page to Stage: Writers perform their words

Many years ago I had a bad experience collaborating with three others on a small business venture; we had grand ideas but somehow forgot (how?) to factor in the effort to find clients for our service. Crazy, and stupid, too. But, as my dear mother comforted me, the money I lost was far less than I ever would have paid for an MBA — and the lessons I learned run deep and inform my decision-making to this day. So. With that experience and those lessons in mind, I am putting it out here today that, a few (or maybe several or possibly many) months down the line — if all goes according to a larger plan, I’ll be seeking an audience for a venture that exists, so far, only in my head, and for which the location is not yet ready. Amanda playing a nerdy kid in "Emil and The Detectives" at the children's theatre, summer 1978 While my main creative act these days is writing, back in my younger days I did a lot of theatre — beginning in Grade Two when I played the shoemaker’s wife in ...