Progress report: Balls and perseverance

Netball: like basketball, only harder No one would call me athletic these days, but in my middle school years in England, I loved to play sports: tennis, field hockey, and netball . I enjoyed the fun, the energetic running down the pitch or across the court with my teammates, and even the occasional victory in a match. One time, my class was practising netball in advance of a competition and I was scoring lots of points, which means I was getting the ball into the hoop that does not have a backboard . My performance was good enough that the coach picked me to be the goal shooter in an upcoming match. This turned out to be unfortunate, as my performance during the competition did not match my scoring streak during practice. What might have been skill turned out to have been pure luck. These days, my sport is writing, my moves are fingers on a keyboard, and my performance is more even. Unlike netball, which I abandoned after that school year, I have persevered with my writing,...