Undressing wardrobes

The pandemic pounds I have gained make me grateful for having been lazy in sorting through my closet. With a bit of extra weight on my frame, I am glad for the extra few inches of waistband my (formerly too large) summer capris are giving me. I think quite a lot about clothes. Not because I enjoy shopping for them; indeed, the very opposite. I have written before about how much I loathe clothes shopping: So many options on the racks and so few viable choices for me. I want comfort and common sense, natural fibres and classic lines. No plunging neck lines, short hem lines or narrow pant legs for me. My body is made for living and moving, so I need my clothes to fit my form. I have no interest in stuffing or cinching myself into a piece of clothing or having it expose more of me than it does cover. Some women might want that; fine. I do not. But some women have no choice in the matter. Have you followed the brouhaha about the Norwegian beach handball uniform cont...