
Showing posts from October 15, 2023

Where do the ideas come from?

Why do I write what I write?  Sometimes, the idea lands in my mind more or less formed, and it is simply a matter of pulling the words together to give that clear idea some shape and flow on the page.  Sometimes, the deadline drives the process. The clock is ticking and I dig and sift for ideas to shape into form on the page and meaning for my readers.  Sometimes, a spark is received and it sits in the back of my mind, percolating away, drifting through my imagination until, in one happy moment, I realize what I have to write about.  So it was this week for me.  The spark came in the form of, literally, the first 'spark' shared for the 4-session Spark your Writing group that gathered for the first time this past Sunday. My co-facilitator (Debbie) and I compile the sparks, so what landed in my email inbox was not a surprise to me. But it sparked my thoughts, nonetheless, in a...