Some gravitas, please

I love the radio. It fires my imagination with words from which I build stories and images and meaning in my mind. I love the different accents I hear on air these days and I love the growing world of podcasts — those offshoots of, or replacements for, radio shows. But I don’t love all the voices that float across the airwaves. Some mumble. Others garble. Still others over-emote, the speaker thrusting themselves at me through the radio. Less is more, say I. Leave me room to make the story my own; don’t invade my space with your Self. Back off. Tone it down. Let the words build the story and create the impact in my mind. But my real pet peeve is the breathy voices. The small voices. The timid voices. These don’t take up enough room in my radio. They have no gravitas. I’ve noticed this particularly with recent new voices reading the news on my local station. If anything needs gravitas, it is the news. Present it with confidence and show that confidence with a clear voi...