
Showing posts from April 24, 2022

Four years into Five years

This April marks the start of my final year in the 5-year journey that is my current Be-A-Writer plan: 2018-2023. And t his May will mark the fifth time I set myself the challenge of writing a post every day that month. I started out in May 2018 sending my writing by email to only three readers and have progressed, since then, to casting my net wider via this blog. I find the daily posting over 31 days as challenging as it is rewarding (maybe, as a reader, you feel the same) and I surely love Day 31 when I cross the self-imposed finish line. I have always been a planner, finding it satisfying to set a goal and inch my way toward it. For sure, this writing game is not about speed; it’s about persistence and self-confidence. The one begets the other, and feedback from readers spurs both. As this 5-year plan has unfolded, I have incorporated the teaching of courses about writing and, through that, I have found others who are on their own be-a-writer path. On the final day of a recent cour...