Lake-side bliss: a pocket of joy...

In our earlier days of cottage ownership, summer meant spending eight of my nine weeks (!) of vacation time at our beautiful spot by Lake Winnipeg. Each summer's highlight was my parents' visit. Val and I got along very well with them and, as a foursome, we thoroughly enjoyed our times together. This summer, one particular memory stands out in my mind and I am happy to share it here. You have seen the photo before , but the story is new. I submitted it (unsuccessfully) to a journal that had asked for short-form creative nonfiction pieces describing “pockets of joy ” — those small moments of pure joy-filled emotion that last in our memory long after they have passed through time. I like the story — and I love this memory. August 2010 at Clifftop Cottage, Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba Lake-side bliss: a pocket of joy... That afternoon spent in the yellow chairs overlooking the lake was golden and I wanted it to last forever. The languid lazin...