Beginnings and endings: writers, editors, and readers
The painstaking line-by-line editing process: Mum read from her iPad and called out the changes, which I then made on my laptop. #Teamwork One of my favourite stages of the writing process is the end of it. When I am satisfied after many drafts and much revision, and I add FINAL to the file name and send it somewhere, and then add it to my SUBMISSIONS master list. Then the next stage begins — the WAITING stage: Will the editor like it? If it is published, will the readers like it? Will they like it enough to comment on it? In my view, all these stages and psychological states are part of the writing process that begins with an idea, proceeds through the ‘getting it onto the page’ stage, and is completed when it, one way or another, lands in readers’ hands. Not every piece does, of course — land in readers’ hands. A piece I have written about the waiting stage has yet to be accepted by an editor, so this stage of that particular writing process is dragging on, tho...