
Showing posts from July 17, 2022

Of Einstein and elephants

Imagination is more important than knowledge, according to Albert Einstein. While it is maybe arguable as an absolute, as a general guide for daily living in these still-Covid times, I find it both helpful and hopeful. Here’s why: Last Saturday evening, Val and I went out. Actually out — like out of the house and not for routine boring chores, but for a social event that promised an evening of stunning photography and illuminating stories by the photographer. I had bought the tickets in part because I am a fan of the photographer and wanted to meet her in person, and in part because the event was a fund-raiser for Fort Whyte Alive , a local non-profit that “connects humans with nature”.  I mention this because I doubt I would have hauled us out for a purely social evening; that it had a ‘good deed’ element to it made the effort of leaving the house and sitting in an auditorium with a large group of strangers not only worth doing but worth the risk. I imagined it might be fun...