When we know our story, others can reinforce it

In this bleak November, when we see so much yet often understand so little, let us do this one thing: Be the best we can be. Be who we are. Be ourselves. This presumes two things, of course: One, that who we are is good not evil and, two, that we know who we are. I’ll leave discussion of the good versus evil option to others more philosophical than I, but the ‘knowing who we are’ is right up my alley. Knowing who we are is not the easiest of undertakings, but it is essential, in my view, to living the life we want to live. Otherwise, we represent Oscar Wilde’s famous quote: “One’s real life is so often the life that one does not lead.” But how do we know what our “real” life is? How and when do we discover this? It is not the easiest of undertakings, necessarily, for it can take a lifetime to know ourselves. But the more we ask the question, the better chance we have of discovering the answer. I continue to work on my identity of/as writer in my Third Act by cultivating my craft, ...