A Mother's Day letter to my late mother Anne
Circa 1959: Anne with Tozz (the cat) and Katy (my older sister at about 18 months) My previous three posts relating to my mother (who died on April 26th) can be read here , here and here . ✍ Dear Mum: I miss you and I am also glad you are no longer suffering the pain you experienced in the last few months of living. So many times every day since you have died I have wanted to tell you something — something you would have laughed at, commented on, wanted to know more about. Now, I think those thoughts and make up the conversation we would have had. Whether you were near me or far from me, you were always right there with me wanting to know about my latest workshop or newest piece of writing or Holly the cat’s current antics. You were interested in my life, a good listener, a constant support. I have been grateful for the words of condolence and comfort sent and said by family and friends, some of whom knew you first hand, some only through my words and storie...