When the news of the world is too much, I listen to this music of the people
...NEWS NEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWS NEWS NEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWS NEWS NEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWSNEWS NEWS... Patients discharged from Alberta hospitals to motels Panels flying off airplanes Cockpit controls tripped accidentally by the pilot’s elbow Tornadoes from Texas to Ohio Missiles landing in Ukraine A so-called election in Russia Relief ship heading to Gaza People dead from fire in an illegal Air B’nB in Montreal This was the list of top international headlines in a recent evening’s newscast, and I found it hard to believe the anchor wasn’t accidentally reading the script from an absurdist play. I wanted to cover my eyes and close my ears. How can the world be in this state? How can we bear the stupidity, the selfishness, the deceit and destruction? Sometimes I can’t bear it any longer, and that’s when I turn to music. I can shift my mood by turning away from the news and lea...