Teaching an old dog new tricks: HTML code opens a door, but podcasting still eludes me

Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash I had submitted the article about a year ago, so didn’t immediately compute the import of the email’s subject line: “Beyond 9 to 5 story submission”. The title rang no bell in my cluttered mind and the sender’s name had me reaching for the delete key, as it was unknown to me. Thank goodness cautious reason kicked in and I opened the message: It was informing me that my piece on the six lessons I had learned during my first year of retire ment would be published. Yay! Which, after some extensive editing by me to make it the appropriate length, it was. This past November. In the subscriber- and print-only magazine More of Our Canada (a Reader’s Digest publication). The issue landed in my snail-mail mailbox in late October. Holding the issue in my hands was novel, as everything else I’ve had published in the last while has been online only, which is equally lovely but far easier to share. How could I circu...