Going public: My prospectus

The best way to arrive at a specific and desirable future point is to define it and then to build the road to get there.

My specific and desirable future point is that time when my life does not include a daily job. Some might call this retirement.

The road I am building to get there is informed by a plan that I am developing, which has writing and writing projects at its centre.

To support my planning, I have established an online presence through this blog, Five Years a Writer, and I am working with my friend Deborah to prepare and deliver two writing-centred projects: (1) for anyone interested in learning about writing as a tool in self-discovery and (2) for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of, and skill with, the process of writing.

If you’re curious about my plans, please subscribe to this blog to receive updates on my progress and for invitations to events along the way.

#amwriting #amplanning #amgrowing


  1. Just found my invitation and sorry I took so long to respond. I'd love to see your plan.

    1. Super, Ann! If you subscribe with your email address, you'll get every post right in your inbox. Or you can simply visit the blog to stay in touch and know about my plans as I figure them out! Thanks so much for connecting.


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