Take charge: Make a plan.

At age 13, I wrote my first story. In high school, I fantasized about becoming an interpreter at the United Nations. In university, I earned degrees in translation, journalism, and applied communication. In my early and mid-career professional life, I translated my education into corporate writing gigs. In my late-stage career, I became a college writing instructor.

I have loved it all, and what has there been not to love? My chosen line of work has always included a creative element; my skills have evolved and improved over the decades; I have had some writing published, some of it even for money; and I’ve been successful as an educator.

Today, with all my combined skills and experience, I am becoming comfortable describing myself as a writer, and I am ready to look ahead to the next chapter of my life.

As I head towards my 60th birthday, I want to ensure that my transition into ‘retirement’ – whether two years or five years away – is deliberate and satisfying. This is why I am looking ahead and planning writing workshops and retreats.

Sure, the plan might change along the way, but I would much rather change the plan than be lost without one.

If you’re curious about my plans, please subscribe to this blog to receive updates on my progress and for invitations to events along the way.

#amwriting #amplanning #amgrowing


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