"But you don't write!"

Years ago, I described myself to someone as a writer. She hooted with near-laughter in response and said, But you don’t write! And she was right. The corporate writing job I had was a way to earn a living, but the writing for which I was paid was more task than craft. And it was always on someone else’s agenda. 

I wasn’t a ‘writer’ in that job; I was an employee whose writing skill was useful. I was a capital W Writer in my head only.

Of course, that’s where all identity begins, but it is in action that it becomes real. And action means practice. Which brings me to this blog, Five Years a Writer: I've created it as a place to put my own writing and, with luck, to connect with readers. 

I’ve been reading a lot about writing, since returning from #Bouchercon (an international convention of readers and writers of mysteries) last October. And to a one, every author says writing is about discipline, routine and persistence. “I shouldn’t be on Facebook,” says one (on Facebook), “I have to do my words.” Every day. Each writer has a set number they have committed – to themselves – to achieve. Good or bad is not the point. The word count total is the point. The doing is the point. 

Writing is a craft, no matter the genre. A craft requires practice. For a writer that means generating ideas, then bringing them to life through words on the page or on the blog. 

Today, I am committing to being a Writer by committing to writing. If you, dear Reader, stick with me along the way, who knows where it might takes us! 


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