To party...or not to party?

New Year's Eve is fast approaching. That moment of reckoning with myself and the world: Will I get out and into the celebrations or stay in and ignore the hoopla?

Of course, it's a no-brainer: Staying in and away from all the hoopla is what I'll do. And have done for the past few years.

I've had my share of fun parties and gatherings to ring in the New Year, but am gratefully over the desire to be part of a crowd to enjoy the moment -- which comes well before midnight for me these days!

In the previous century, during my early university days, my flatmates and I hosted a New Year's Eve party to which a lot of people came. I remember nothing about it, other than my sense of amazement that people had actually come! Because I remember equally vividly the housewarming party my roommate and I had thrown to which no one came - not. one. person. Mortification doesn't begin to describe the emotional experience of that dreadfully empty evening. And to this day, I carry the dread of no-shows with me into every event I organize...

More recently, I've had great fun at smaller gatherings for New Year's Eve celebrations: Friends, food and fun at the cottage that included setting off fireworks on the lakeshore. One time, it was so cold the bubbly froze into slushies in our plastic Champagne glasses!

This year, we are in the city and content to be so. I'll spend the Eve day tying up 2018's loose ends, the evening itself contemplating the possibilities of the New Year with Val, and then the first day of 2019 finessing my vision board for the year. It's a tradition my friend Yvonne brought into my life, and I continue it gladly every year: putting into a colourful collage my best hopes for the coming 365 days. Whether or not the year ends up that way is not the point. The point is to take the time to contemplate the possibilities of that whole new year.

May your New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and the New Year itself be what you want it to be. I hope it includes your friendship with me.


  1. WE're seeing in the New Year with your Mother!!
    My mother used to recite a poem:
    "Mrs Smartie gave a party.....nobody came.
    Mr Smartie gave a party .... just the same."

    It's coloured my attitude to initiating social events ever since!


  2. Lovely New Year's thoughts, Amanda!


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