If they can, I must

The election of Donald Trump on November 8, 2016 was a marker for me in my sense of myself. If that man could be elected, I realized, I could certainly step into my own abilities and reach higher to be a leader at work. 

The speech by Greta Thunberg to the UN on September 23, 2019 was a turning point for me in my sense of how far to push myself to take action on an issue important to me. 

Greta spoke truth to power in simple, straightforward and very clear language. There was no mistaking her message, her anger, her commitment. If she can put herself out there at the age of 16, surely I can find it in myself to do the same within my own sphere (which doesn't include speaking at the UN, to be sure). 

Greta's actions don't call us to do exactly what she does. Her actions call us to do what we can, to push ourselves beyond the immediately comfortable, and to step into the tougher next level of engagement. Take a step, a small step, maybe, but for goodness sake take that step. 

Any next step takes you closer to action, and then the next action -- and that makes you bold: "Be bold! Be grand! Be mighty! We need you! The world needs [you]," said writer, feminist and activist Betsy Ueland. Whatever grand and mighty looks like in your life, do it. Today. 

What do you have to lose? Without a planet, we have nothing at all. 


  1. I really try, recycling everything I can, keeping the heat at just above miserably cold in the winter, turning out lights, eliminating unnecessary trips in the car, all that and a bag of chips. But I know it's not enough. Still it's more than I was doing 20 years ago and way more than 40 years ago. What with mobility issues, I am limited to where I can go on foot, and I do have three electronic devices plus a TV, Alexa, probably more if I think about it. I'm not the one who will suffer from this rape of the planet, but my grandchildren will. Try telling that to Trump. He gives not a good goddamn.


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