A Post a Day in May #15: Leadership by the letter

I have pledged to write a new post for this blog every day in May. 
The concept of leadership is much on my mind, as there is such a dearth of it in our world today. Yes, individuals are in positions of leadership, but that does not make those individuals leaders. For it is their actions, not their position, that make them so. 


This second E is a no-brainer for me. It has to be for Empathy and Engagement. 

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash 
Without empathy — the ability to understand and share the feelings of others — a leader cannot ignite others to see her vision for the potential it holds. And without nurturing the engagement of others in that vision, the leader remains a lone wolf with a good idea, maybe, but no-one to help her implement it. 

To be a leader is, at once, to hold a vision and, also, to let it go: Hold it close with care and commitment, while inviting others in to help take it outwards into the world.

Leadership is a dance of give and take, of surging ahead and of reaching back to invite others to join you. Through my colleague and friend Kevin, I have learned of an African proverb that says, “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

Effective leaders know that it is through empathy and engagement that going together is not only possible but desirable. 


Writers want to be read, so comments, rebuttals and feedback are all welcome. Subscribe to the blog to receive the posts direct into your email inbox. Use Google Chrome or FireFox as your browser, if you have problems via Safari. I cannot post comments via Safari, but can via Google Chrome.


  1. Since yesterday, I've read your 15 first posts of the month.
    I particularly like this one. It is true. Empathy and engagement are indispensable for real leadership.
    I like your writing and the goal of 5 years that you fixed for yourself. Go, go, go ...


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