A Post a Day in May #28: ROAR!

I have pledged to write a new post for this blog every day in May. 

They say, being prepared is half the battle. I say, it is the whole battle. 

If we are prepared for the battle (metaphorical in my case), then we have done all we can. Whatever happens in the moment, we will respond as best we can. We bring our experience, knowledge and wisdom to that moment; we make a decision; we act. And we move on.

That is how we make our mark in this world.

Sometimes it sounds like a roar -- literally, we shout, yell, scream. We rise up in the streets.

Other times, it sounds like quiet, calm confidence. At a table.

My big meeting is over and done. My proposal will be accepted or not. But I have roared. And that is all I can do in this moment. 


Writers want to be read, so comments, rebuttals and feedback are all welcome. Subscribe to the blog to receive the posts direct into your email inbox. Use Google Chrome or FireFox as your browser, if you have problems via Safari. I cannot post comments via Safari, but can via Google Chrome. 


  1. I hope that it goes the way you wish, Amanda.

  2. Congratulations on climbing the mountain. And enjoy the view from the top. What a treat to accomplish something that I suspect you've been working on for sometime. Even in this world we occupy, there are still moments of pleasure and perfection.


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