
I need to do some housekeeping. Not ironing exactly, but straightening out and tidying things up. This blog has been an energizing and intense focus for the past five or so weeks, but I need to step away and figure out some technical things associated with it.

I know enough about this blogging platform to put up a post and to have it publish when I want it scheduled. But I’m not savvy much beyond that. However, I learned a valuable lesson at the recent conference I attended.

The keynote speaker experienced some glitches with his tech-heavy presentation...and he just powered through them. He wasn’t fazed by them at all. “This happens with technology,” he said. Boy, is he right about that! 

If we’re going to engage with today’s online or e-world, we need to be prepared to stumble through the odd pile-up, jump over an unexpected hurdle and — maybe most importantly — ask for help when we need. Here’s where you come in. 

The ‘subscribe by email’ function on Blogger is being discontinued. By July, there will be no more automatic sending of the new posts from Feedburner (have I lost you yet?), so I need to sort out a new way to get my writing into your inbox. 

Might you know a good solution for me? 

If yes, please let me know. If no, you will be as pleasantly surprised by whatever I end up learning — and doing — as I will be! 

Stay tuned... 


Land acknowledgement: I respectfully recognize that I live on the original lands of Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.

Photo by Filip Mroz on Unsplash 


  1. Sorry to say I have no knowledge about this.
    I’ll have to be pleasantly surprised by your solution.


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