Why I don't teach math

Hey, Amanda, he said. Are you counting down the days yet? Only two and a half weeks to go! 

No, no, said I. It's three and a half weeks, and there's still plenty on my to-do list to knock off before I leave. 

Hmmm, he said. Look at the calendar. 

And I did. And he was right. 

Just like that, the time has disappeared out from under me and I find myself today with just 13 working days (17 calendar days) before leaving for retirement. How did that happen? Is this always how it goes? 

I figure I've been working or studying in some combination since I was 5. By my calculation (accurate?), that's 55 years of a certain rhythm and pattern to my years and months. Suddenly that is going to change. 

I feel a bit like I've been on a fast-paced moving-sidewalk (like the ones in large airports) and I'm approaching the end of the ride, readying myself for stepping OFF...onto stationary ground. And just like that, the rhythm will change. 

I feel I am ready for that change. Prepared even, with plans already secured for interesting workshops to teach in the fall. It's just that I thought I had more time before this ride ends and that one begins. 

Oh well. Bring it on, as they say. If I need to ditch my to-do list only fifty percent done, maybe no one will notice. (After all, I am not known for my math skills...)


Land acknowledgement: I respectfully recognize that I live on the original lands of the Anishiinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. 

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash


  1. We always think we have more time.

    1. Isn't that the truth, Pamela! Time slips by regardless of all other things...

  2. Life changes are unsettling, but I promise you will survive. xo

    1. i am looking forward to moving well beyond surviving, Ann, to thriving in this next chapter. Here's hoping!

  3. Even when retired, time has a way of disappearing.
    Remember ? You do your best for the last 13 days. After, it is out of your hands.

    1. Danielle - thank you for that reminder! Yes, doing my best and then moving on...


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