Short, not necessarily sweet

At about 5 foot 2 inches, I am a short person. The world is not really made for me: I often need to ask a tall stranger for help getting an item off the top shelf at the supermarket, and I use a grabber to reach things out of that awkward cabinet above the fridge in the kitchen. Being short can be challenging, but it is not a problem — it’s more a matter of accommodating to the realities and, until my super powers are sharpened, working around them.

But February is a whole different matter.

The shortest month of the year, it has an outsized capacity to drag on…and on. Thankfully, today, it’s over, and we can move on into March which, regardless of what actually happens, heralds spring and all the hopeful possibilities that this budding season brings with it. If November is winter’s start on the prairies, then March is summer’s overture.

Bring. It. On!

Current fantasy; future possibility

Sunday, February 26, 2023 (mound includes snow taken from off the house roof, but still...)

Winter here does mean lovely sunny days and walks along the Assiniboine River...

...the City maintains a skating trail on the river and a walking trail along it, both of which are fantastic  
and rival Ottawa's for length and beauty


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Land acknowledgement: I respectfully recognize that I live on the original lands of Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.


  1. So beautiful! And yes to all things March. Our snowdrops and winter aconite are blooming and lots of buds ready to burst on the rhododendrons and dogwoods. The winter of our discontent, etc!

  2. Beautiful pictures Amanda !
    Here today, February is not leaving without leaving its mark with a snowstorm expected for the whole day.
    At least we had 11 hours of daytime yesterday. More there is light, more there is hope that spring will come followed by summer a couple of months later.

  3. It's been such a busy, fraught month that I've hardly noticed the cold but I'm ready for spring! Bring it!

  4. Lovely winter scenes, however, I never trust the month of March

  5. No wonder you look forward to the fresh possibilities that come forth with spring. Yet, winter has its place. Thank you!


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