Among the world's chaos, I invite you to celebrate two commitments

Amanda across the ages: about four; in my early 20s (hair!);
and now, in my mid-sixties.

During my university days, a roommate and I planned a party. We invited people to come over on a Friday evening to celebrate our new apartment. The time came, the place was ready, and we waited. And waited. No one showed up. No one. Not one person. While this hardly counts as trauma, it was disappointing and it scarred the party-planner in me. I’ve never wanted to repeat the experience of all that buildup and expectation followed by all that letdown. I have hosted the odd large-group gathering since then, but I have never been able to shake the spectre of that no-show Friday evening from so long ago.

February is my birthday month, so that spectre is particularly vivid as I consider how to mark my birthday. Short story: There will be no party. The longer story is more complex.

Living in this world, I am part of what goes on in it, however minuscule my impact on it, or contribution to it, might be. These days, our world is turning ever more chaotic, as we see long-standing geopolitical relationships being disrupted in real time. I, therefore, cannot in good conscience pull the spotlight towards me and say, “Here I am! Over here! Celebrate that I was born!” No. Not that.

How about this, instead.

I invite you to celebrate with me two commitments I am making in honour of my February birthday —

Commitment One: I will take up space in this chaotic world with my voice and my words. I focus on a wide range of topics, including life & love; politics & action; friends and fun; and, also, on the craft of writing. 

  • I would love it if you were to read my latest words on writing, published recently on Brevity Blog here 
Commitment Two: I will use my creative energy for good in my local community. So much wide-ranging artistic talent exists in my community and so many artists of every stripe want to share that talent  but where to share? where to perform? The Valiant Theatre! This reclaimed church will be Winnipeg's newest community-level performance space, and I am a volunteer with the fundraising and cheerleading committee. One day, I want to host an event at The Valiant for writers to take their words "From Page to Stage".  

  • Read about why I am excited about The Valiant here and here and here 
  • Buy tickets to attend our fundraising evening of entertainment this weekend, on Saturday February 8 here
  • Donate to our fundraising campaign by e-transfer to kelly at thevaliant dot ca
  • Thank you to those who have already made a contribution; you are awesome!  

A birthday is one day, one date only. I am disruPting that. I am declaring the entire month of February as my time to celebrate these commitments I make.

I invite you to join me. Attendance is optional, but your love and encouragement is vital. 


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Land acknowledgement: I respectfully recognize that I live on the original lands of Anishinaabe, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.


  1. Picture me, a reader, as a clockwork mouse. I must be wound up by writers writing. This is, other than friends and loved ones and two little dogs and one cat, the most important thing in my life. Thank you for keeping me stoked!

  2. Amanda, I am joining your two commitments with similar versions of my own projects. We can also do mutual love and encouragement!


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